Published 4 years ago in Other


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ZAM ZAM is a song of the hearts, highly emotional and soul stirring. It is a worship song of a heart knocking at the very gates of heaven's mercy, grace and help. A cry for mercy, Zam Zam connects the broken, despaired, weeping, and agonizing hearts to the very Throne and Heart of God. Zam Zam lifts worshippers with all our troubles, struggles and yearnings, and lay them at the merciful feet of Christ.


I'll lift my eyes you, I'll lift my heart to you. You're shepherd my helper.
I pour my heart to you I laid me down at your feet you're my strength and my song.

Zam zam zam chineke nnam zam, onye kere eluigwe n'uwa zam
Onwuwa juru n' uzo nile zam
Ogburu na iza'ghim onye ga zam chimo!

Verse 2
In my hour of need in time of despair I cry to you Lord, hear my voice.
In my battles and struggles when am confused and broken I lift my eyes to you Lord!

Repeat chorus

Out of the depths I cried unto you thee, o Lord hear my voice
I wait on you I trust in you
In your word do I hope

Repeat chrous

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