Published 5 years ago in Other


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As humans, we are sometimes faced with a variety of challenges that seem to throw us into a state of anxiety.
Between the challenge and the victory, there’s always a “waiting period” and what you do within the period determines how well you come out of the storm. Regardless of its severity, the best way to weather through the storm is to worship your way through and not loose sight of God’s promises concerning you. Weeping may endure the night, but joy comes in the morning. Your victory is assured in God, so WHILE YOU WAIT, don’t stop your worship.”


You may be going through some challenges
And wondering if God's still there
You seem to have lost opportunities
And think all your hope is gone
I've got a message for you
Don't you ever give up
Don't loose your faith
He'll come through

While you wait
Keep on believing
Just Keep on trusting
He'll make a way
While you wait
Just Keep on holding
Keep on expecting
Don't stop your worship

I know the road seems rough
He'll never leave nor forsake you
Won't put more on you than you can bear
Just hold on, He'll come through

While you wait,
While you wait,
While you wait,
Don't stop your worship

Don't stop your worship (8x)

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