Published 4 years ago in Other

Wisdom_God'sHeart_jesus_is_my_best_friend (1).mp3

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This song,talks about Jesus being your best friend & the benefit in it.
If Jesus, becomes your best friend,
You shall make heaven,at last,
You cannot make hell,at last.


Intro: Jesus,my Best friend.

If you make Jesus, your best friend, you will not perish;
The nation,will celebrate you & give glory to God;
You shall make heaven,at last;
Jesus, my best friend.

Chorus:if you make,Jesus,your best friend,
You shall make,heaven,in thy end,
You cannot make,hell,in thy end;
Jesus,is my best friend.

Do you not know that friendship,with the world,is enmity with God;
Exclude yourselve from worldly activities;
Remember,you are in the world,but you are not of the world;
You have to be careful, in this world;
This world is not our home;
Be Careful ×2

Chorus:if you make,Jesus,your best friend,
You shall make,heaven,in thy end,
You cannot make,hell,in thy end;
Jesus,is my best friend.

Bridge:Submit yourselves therefore to God;
Resist the devi & he will flee from you;
Draw near to God,he will draw near to you.

If there is a man to pray,there is a God to answer;
Open your heart,for Jesus,because he is at the door post of your heart;
Jesus need you;
The harvest is plenty,but the labourers are few;
Make Jesus your friend today.

Chorus:if you make Jesus,your best friend,
You shall make,heaven,in thy end,
You cannot make,hell,in thy end;
Jesus,is my best friend.

Verse4: This is the the right time to make Jesus,your best friend;
Begin to pray;
If you can speak in tongues,speak;
Communicate with Jesus, with heavenly language;
Confuse Satan,with the language;
Tell Jesus,to come into your life,to be the lord of your life,to be the personal saviour of your life.
Tell Jesus,to set your mind on spirit & unset your on flesh;
Establish your heart,for the coming of thy Lord is at hand;
Outro:Thank You Jesus×2
You have heard our prayers;

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