Published 7 months ago in Other


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"Girma" _ is a song of glorification unto God for His unfailing faithfulness upon my life. It's set to put you in a state of sober reflection and gratitude.


Verse 1
Every morning when I wake up, beholding brand new day
I will praise you you lifting holy hands,
Declaring your majesty,
You are the Lord of creation,
The God who never fails,
The mighty one in battle,
You're the Lord of host.
When you roar you roar like lion,
But gentle as a dove,
Your glory you share with no man,
That is who you are.

Ya Yesu girma naka ne ( girma naka ne)
Mai Ceto girma naka ne ( girma naka ne)
Ubangiji na rabbana (girma naka ne)
Ubangiji na rabbana ( ya Yesu girma naka ne)

Ya Yesu girma naka ne (girma naka ne)
Mai fansa girma naka ne ( girma naka ne)
Ubangiji na rabbana (girma naka ne)
Ubangiji na rabbana ( ya Yesu girma naka ne)

You've been faithful to me through all the ages,
Like the air that I breathe you are to me,
You never change you never shift like a shifting shadow,
Your word is yeh and amen,
Forever you are the same.
You never shift you never change like a shifting shadow,
Your word is yeh and amen,
Forever you are the same.
Oh Oh Oh Oh girma naka ne ya Yesu,
Oh Oh Oh Oh girma naka ne.

Back to chorus....

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