Published 2 years ago in Other

Mighty within me by Akinfemi Emmanuel x Temilola

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Out of my belly shall flow rivers of living water ?

Because the source is dwelling inside of me and am his temple? I Corinthians 3:16

I will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move Mat 17:20

Its not by power not by might, but by the spirit that dwells in me? Zechariah 4:6

Am his Temple?

And He is mighty inside of me?

This song will definitly bless your life


We are made of Spirit

Living in a body
This is the gathering of Spirit
Adonai, lord we welcome you

You made us in your image
And breathe yourself in us
You are everywhere
Because you are the life in all men
Adonai lord we reference you

You are Great
You are Great
You are Great

Mighty in this Room

You are great/3ce
Might within me

Mighty Mighty Mighty
You are great
Mighty in this room

Mighty Mighty Mighty
You are great
Mighty within me

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