Published 2 years ago in Other

Psalmist Fred - Abba My Help

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Psalmist Fred - Abba My Help
Sung by Psalmist Fred, a devoted worshiper and acclaimed gospel songwriter, “Abba, You are My Help” is more than just a song – it’s an anthem of unwavering faith.

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Lyrics: Abba You are My Help by Psalmist Fred
(Hausa Chorus)
Mai tai’mako na
Yesu mai’tamako na 3x
My help
Abba you are my help 3x
Ahhhhhhhh 3x
(Rep chorus)
My help
Abba you are my help 3x
Some trust in horses
Others trust in chariots
But we will trust in you
Only you
For the Strength of youth Will fail them
The Strength of men will fail they that wait on you, will renew their Strength
For the Strength of youth Will fail them
The Skills of men will fail they that wait on you, will renew their Strength
For the Strength of youth Will fail them
The Strength of men will fail they that wait on you, will renew their Strength
(Rep Chorus)
My help
Abba you are my help 3x
(Rep hausa Chorus)
Mai tai’mako na
Yesu mai’tamako na 3x
Rep verse
For the Strength of youth Will fail them
The Skills of men will fail they that wait on you, will renew their Strength
For the Strength of youth Will fail them
The Strength of men will fail they that wait on you, will renew their Strength
Rep chorus
My help
Abba you are my help 3x

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