Published 5 years ago in Other

That's Who You Are.mp3

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Gospel song


I sing of Your greatness
And hail, adore Your great name
You're Mighty in wisdom
And boundless in love
With unfathomable mind
And unfailing skill
Great, Mighty, God
That's who You are

God (God)
That's who You are
God (God)
That's who You are
(Your name is God)
You are God
Cos that's who You are
(We call You God)
That's who You are
(Come on sing God)

God (God)
That's who You are
(Your name is God)
God (God)
That's who You are
(You are God)
God (God)
That's who You are
God (God)
That's who You are

You are Holy
You are Faithful
You are Righteous
That's who You are
You are Good
And You are Kind
You are Great
Cos that's who You are
Your name is God

That's who You are
That's who You are
That's who You are
That's who You are

Jehovah Jireh
Jehovah Rapha
Jehovah Shama
They call You Elohim,
El Shadai, Elyon,
El Olam (oooo)
You are Yahweh
That's who You are
So sing Yahweh

Yahweh, (Yahweh)
That's who You are
(That's who You are)
Yahweh, (We call You)
That's who You are
(Come on sing Yahweh)
Yahweh, (Yahweh)
That's who You are
(You are Yahweh)
That's who You are

(We call You Adonai)
Adonai, (Adonai)
That's who You are
That's who You are
(Lord we lift Your name)
Adonai (The Lion of the tribe of Judah)
That's who You are (The Bright and morning Star)
Adonai (The King of kings, Lord of lords)
That's who You are (I Am that I Am)
You're The First and The Last
The Beginning and The Ending
The God of second chance
Cos that's who You are
You're God
That's who You are
Your name is God
That's who You are

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