Published 2 years ago in Other

YOU - Austin Ikpe King ft. NattyProff.mp3

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'You' is a simple song with profound messages of God's great love, mercy and redemptive sacrifices for us.


You you you

You you you

You you

All because of you you you

You you you

You you you

You you

All because of you you you

And because you live

I can face tomorrow

And because you live

No more sin and sorrows

And because you live

Take the lead and I will follow

All because of you

All because of you

All because of you

Took all my sorrows away

Took all my burdens and shame

And now I go by your name

I know I'm never the same yeah

Took all my sorrows away

Took all my burdens and shame yeah

And now I go by your name

I know I'm never the same

Yeah I am chosen

You called me out of darkness


I lift my voice and sing

No more enslaved cause you took all The chains

Now I'm amazed by the power of your grace

No more enslaved cause you took all The chains

Now I'm amazed at your grace

No weapon

Fashioned shall prosper yeah

And because you live

I can face tomorrow

And because you live

No more sin and sorrows

And because you live

Take the lead and I will follow

All because of you

All because of you

All because of you

Kai ne ka zabe ni

See what your heart gave me

Part of the reasons you came from The top is so you could upgrade me

Rainy days and the drought

You're still on the throne no doubts

Your spirit be teaching me how to Abase and abound

E get time wey I been cast

I still have those scars

Remember that my sin ba

Mufasa say E don pass

Shut up Scar

I've been forgiven and now He be Teaching me killing the flesh

Dealing with me with the Spirit and Bringing me into obedience till

I'm Obsessed (till I'm obsessed)

I never woulda made it this far

I never woulda be given the mind of Mufasa

But He's living in ina my inside

My Heavenly Father be living this

Life in me

He's proud of me

He never tired of me

I live for the man who's alive in me

I'm rolling with my Father's Economy I cannot be broke in His Colony

And because you live

I can face tomorrow

And because you live

No more sin and sorrows

And because you live

Take the lead and I will follow

All because of you

All because of you

All because of you

All because of you

Yeah yeah yeah

All because of you

All because of you

Yeah yeah yeah

All because of you

Na you dey make me sing all day

Na you dey make me sing all night

Watin I want wey you no fit give

Watin I get wey you no give me

When I consider the lilies and the Sparrows

They no dey fear

They no dey worry for how them Wan grow

Why you come dey fear

Why you dey worry for tomorrow

Cos He is seated on the throne

The heavens and the earth are

His footstool

Cast all your burdens and your cares Cos I know He'll surely see you Through

He'll surely see you through

He's got his eyes on you

He's got his eyes on you

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