Published 5 months ago in Other

You are worthy of my praise.mp3

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This song stems from Psalm 103:1-5 which reveals a God that is mighty and powerful to save.It emanates from deep thoughts of how gracious God is.
The Bible says even while we were yet sinners, Christ died for mankind due to his unconditional love.
May the song bless your hearts to always remember to thank God at different seasons of life.



I've searched around
Never seen a God like you
My saviour My redeemer
You've helped me
I don't look like my past
I am here to give you praise
I am here because you are worthy of my praise-verse 1

Repeat verse 1(Back ups) x2ce

You are the one
that turns a life around
My helper My Waymaker
You have turned
My darkness into light
I am here to give you praise
I am here because you are worthy of my praise-verse 2

Verse 1-Backups(2ce)

Oh oh oh
You are worthy to be praised
Oh oh oh
You are worthy of my praise X2ce(chorus)

Repeat(back ups)x3ce


Iwo nooni erujeje
Iwo nooni atobajaye o
Iwo nooni atorise
Iwo nooni atayese

Iwo nooni erujeje
Iwo nooni atogbojule
Iwo nooni alade ewa
Iwo nooni alagbara-Call and response x3ce

Oh oh oh
You are worthy to be praised
Oh oh oh
You are worthy of my praise x3ce

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