Published 4 years ago in Other

Love And Light.mp3

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Theme Song off the Sophomore Album, LOVE AND LIGHT.



Oh oh eh!
Eh Ah....


Every time I hear your voice you keep on calling
When I am down, when I am far, you keep on working

You've never left, you never stayed away from me
When everyone goes you're still here for me

I don't have any one to call but you
when I am down, I will run to you
you are my rock and my shield, yeah yeah
Every time, You give me Love and Light!

Love and Light!
You give me Love and Light

Most times I loose my mind
having nothing so much deep inside
I keep on running through the circles and the times
"Keeping On" tied down right to my back
I got my past holding me down, so much confusion but you were there
When my head is filled, so high
Can't take this, can't fight this fight

But I still proclaim your word
Every time I keep hearing the voices
Keep your word, like a mirror in front
I don't loose my focus no!
Cos I know you're still right there even though confusion is everywhere
Loud voices in my head but you give me Love and Light!

/ :

