Published 5 years ago in Other


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This beautiful song is a statement of our faith and devotion to our Lord Jesus.


When the world shall ask what is your strength you are my confidence jehovah and the world shall see and put their trust in you you are my everything my lord i boast not in flesh you're my confidence jesus

You are my confidence Jehovah
You are my confidence oh God
You are my confidence Jehovah
You are my confidence oh God
You are my shield you're my God
You are my confidence oh God
You are the strong tower that I run to You are my confidence oh God eh
You are my god in you i trust you are my confidence oh God

My hope is built on nothing else than Jesus blood and righteousness i dare not trust the sweetest frame but only lean on Jesus name my hope is built on nothing else than Jesus blood and righteous i dare not trust the sweetest frame oh but only lean on jesus name i will lean on Jesus name but only lean on Jesus name

You are my confidence Jehovah
you are my confidence oh God
You are my confidence messiah
You are my confidence oh God
You are you are my God
You are my confidence oh God
You are shield my protector
You are my confidence oh God
You are my God in you i trust you are my confidence oh God

Aha you are you are my confidence you are my confidence oh God
You u u you are my confidence Jehovah
You are my confidence oh God
You are my shield you are my God you are my confidence oh God
You are the strong tower that I run to You are my confidence oh God
when am with you i will never be afraid you are my confidence oh God

I will trade the world to have you Jesus
you're my everything for life
you are my God in you i trust
you are my confidence oh God
I shall never be moved or be afraid You are my confidence oh God
some may trust in chariots some may trust even in their skills some will say there is another way
but you are my confidence oh God i dare not trust the sweetest frame but only lean Jesus name .


you are my confidence oh

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