Published 5 years ago in Other

Samsong – My Life Belongs to You Ft. Eben, Ada, Jennifer Lewin, Prospa, Pst. Ruthney, Pst. Saki

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My Life Belongs to You is a simple song with different voices lending and surrendering everything to God.


My Life Belongs to You Lyrics by Samsong Ft. Eben, Ada Ehi, Prospa Ochimana, Pastor Saki and Pastor Ruthney
You are God, My Help,
My Hope, my Strength,
And my Life Belongs to You
You are God, My Help,
My Hope, my Strength,
And my Life Belongs to You

It belongs to you
The Lifter of my Hands
It belongs to you
My Father and Defender
It belongs to you
The Keeper of my Life
Lord my Life belongs to You
My Life belongs to You
My Life belongs to You

[Repeat Verse]
{You are God, My Help,
My Hope, my Strength,
And my Life Belongs to You
You are God, My Help,
My Hope, my Strength,
And my Life Belongs to You} [x3]

It belongs to you
The Lifter of my Hands
It belongs to you
My Father and Defender
It belongs to you
The Keeper of my Life
Lord my Life belongs to You
My Life belongs to You

[Repeat Verse]
{You are God, My Help,
My Hope, my Strength,
And my Life Belongs to You
You are God, My Help,
My Hope, my Strength,
And my Life Belongs to You} [x3]

It belongs to you
The Lifter of my Hands
It belongs to you
My Father and Defender
It belongs to you
The Keeper of my Life
Lord my Life belongs to You
My Life belongs to You

{Lord my Life belongs to You
My Life belongs to You
Lord my Life belongs to You
My Life belongs to You} [Repeat]

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