Published 5 years ago in Other

Olorikokoro – Bukola Bekes

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Olorikokoro by Bukola Bekes


Olorikokoro Lyrics by Bukola Bekes

Olori kokoro , Baba, fi fun mi ( Father, give me the master key)
Kokoro to n osilokun ire ( the key that opens the door of good things)
Gbogbo ona ta ti ti mo mi (All the doors barred against me)
Ba mi osi won k’ogo ro yo l’aye mi (Help me open them so that your glory will show in my life)

Olori kokoro, Baba, fi fun mi ( Father, give me the master key)
Kokoro to n osilokun ire ( the key that opens the door of good things)
Gbogbo ona ta ti ti mo mi (All the doors barred against me)
Ba mi osi won k’ogo ro yo l’aye mi (Help me open them so that your glory will show in my life)

[Verse 1]
Emi ti gbe oju mi sori oke wonni (I have lifted up my eyes to the hills)
Nibi ti iranlowo mi wa ( where my help is)
Baba, tete dide iranlowo fun mi (Father,quickly rise to my help)
Ko gbe mi de ibi to ga j’ota mi lo (Place me far above my enemies)

Olori kokoro , Baba, fi fun mi ( Father, give me the master key)
Kokoro to n osilokun ire ( the key that opens the door of good things)
Gbogbo ona ta ti ti mo mi (All the doors barred against me)
Ba mi osi won k’ogo ro yo l’aye mi (Help me open them so that your glory will show in my life)

Call : Mo ti gba a (I have collected it)
Resp : Kokoro mi (my key)
Call : Ta lo fi fun oo (Who gave it to youo)
Resp : Jesu lo fi fun mi (Jesus gave it to me)
Call : Mo ti d’oloriire o (I have become a lucky person)
Resp : Mo ti soriire (I have become lucky)
Call : Loruko Jesu (In Jesus’ name)
Resp : Ire mi de (My blessing has come)

Call : Oruko t’iku gbo to sa wo’gbo lo (The name which Death heard and ran into the forest)
Resp : Aye, o ba mi yo (Everybody, rejoice with me)

Call : Mo ti d’oloriire (I have become a lucky person)
Resp : Ire mi de Aye,o ba mi yo (My blessing has come Everybody,rejoice with me)
Call : Ire omo,ire alaafia,o ti wole mi wa (The blessings of children and good health have come to me)
Resp : Ire mi de Aye,o ba mi yo (My blessing has come Everybody,rejoice with me)

Call : Mo ti kuro ni tonanti Mo ti di landlord (I’m no longer a tenant I have become a landlord)
Resp : Ire mi de Aye,o ba mi yo (My blessing has come Everybody,rejoice with me)
Call : o ba mi dupo Mo ti ra moto tuntun (Rejoice with me I have bought a new vehicle)
Resp : Ire mi de Aye,o ba mi yo (My blessing has come Everybody,rejoice with me)

ALL: Ariwo ayo la n fo Ariwo ayo nile wa (We want shouts of joy, shouts of joy in our homes)

Call : Baba ibeji, o ku ewu omo (Father of twins,congrats)
Resp : Ariwo ayo nile wa (Shouts of joy in our homes)

Call : Oko ati iyawo,o ku oriire (Groom and bride, congrats)
Resp : Ariwo ayo nile wa (Shouts of joy in our homes)
Call : Visa America ro ti de (Your American visa has come through)
Resp : Ariwo ayo nile wa (Shouts of joy in our homes)
Call : Loruko Jesu (In Jesus’ name)
Resp : Ire mi de Aye,o ba mi yo (My blessing has come Everybody,rejoice with me)
Call : O ki mi ku oriire O ti de (3x) [ Congratulate me It has come(3x) ]Resp : Ire mi de Aye,o ba mi yo (My blessing has come Everybody,rejoice with me)
Call : O wo kokoro moto ti mo soso gbe de lati London (See the keys of the vehicle I just brought in from London)
Resp : Ire mi de Aye,o ba mi yo (My blessing has come Everybody,rejoice with me)
ALL : Ariwo ayo la n fo Ariwo ayo nile wa (We want shouts of joy, shouts of joy in our homes)

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