Published 3 years ago in Other

Alah Alexander_Praises_From_My_Heart.mp3

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Powerful worship song of the year, the song speaks of everyday lifestyle a believer should live by praising and worshipping God



Everyday, songs from my heart will rise.
To the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
I will say of the Lord, He is my defender.
You're my shield, my fortress and my buckler.
You've been faithful since I was a toddler.
He who watches me grow, never sleep nor slumber.
I feel your presence from January to December.
And I've come back to bless Alpha and Omega.


You deserve the praises from my heart
You deserve the praises from my heart
You deserve the praises from my heart
You deserve the praises from my heart.


No one can bless me like you do
No one can love me like you do
In you I live and I move
I have my being forever

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