Published 5 years ago in Other


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It's a soul lifting song for the season and always.


This is the Lyrics

MARI BA TI SE ( I will excel in all areas of my life no matter the challenges) LYRICS

Oh Lord You said Abraham blessings are mine,
Fruitfulness was part of his blessings
Prosperity was not left out, joblessness was never part of his blessings
Even though he had one yet he was called the father of all nation.
Ha....ha...ha ....ha

Mari ba ti se
I will excel in all areas of my life no matter the challenges
Mari ono gbegba
God will always make a way for me in all situation. 2x

Oh Lord my God,
You promised me Lord and you said
My going out and my coming in,
Oh Lord it shall be blessed,
In the morning in the noon time,
In the evening all the days of my life,
The sun will not smite me by day,
Nor the moon by the night
Yea...... Olorunmi.... Jeko rimi sore, ko pere, ko sore, ko pere, ko sore.
Oh Lord let me meet with favour, favour me today, left my head be lifted up, lift me up.

Ha....ha...ha ....ha

Mari ba ti se
I will excel in all areas of my life no matter the challenges
Mari ono gbegba
God will always make a way for me in all situation. 2x

You have to help me
It is important that I breakthrough in life,
Wherever darkness seems to appear or confusion, Oh Lord you are my light and my guide.
Jessus shine your light on my path,
Anywher my enemies stand against me or gathered against me,
Help me to triumph over them all, lift me over them, let me prosper,
Do it for me oh Lord,
Don't allow my enemies to triumph over me......

My head shall be lifted,
No more barringness,
No more shame,
Am working in His glory,
Victory is mine,
Am lifted and blessed,
I can see a way out,
Your past is over,
No more sickness,
I can see your glory sing,
I can see you celebrating yeah.....,
You are free
Miracle everywhere,
You'll have your twins,
I say common take the job,
I say take your wife,
Common proclaim your husband,
Jesus everywhere,
He's a big King (God)
He has favoured you,
He has given you wealth,
He has open the door of joy in your house and in my house,
My story has turned to joy,
Your story has turned to joy,
No more battles,
The battels are ended,
I praise God with seven hallelujah,
For the favour and the blessings I received,
His good deeds are numerous.

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