Published 5 years ago in Other

Ernest Kings - Beautiful.mp3

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BEAUTIFUL is an amazing and spirit filled song. Only an indept knowledge of God can be acquainted with this indescribable and unexplainable love of God. Over all ages, God exposes Himself in diverse forms to many people. He showed Himself "BIGGER" and "BEAUTIFUL" to the artist. Only a constant God that works in diverse forms can do that.
The song is as beautiful as the inspiration behind the song. It blesses every soul that listens, to the glory of God.


See how beautiful you are
Doing marvelous things
Changing every lives
See how glorious you are moving in this place
Turning lives around
You are bigger than what people say

You're bigger than what people say
You're bigger than what people say
You're bigger than what people say
You're bigger than what people say

Verse 2
See how powerful you are
You are healing every soul
You're mending broken hearts
Great I Am o God
See how powerful you are (x2)
You're the God of Miracles
And you are bigger than what people say



Okrobia Dimma le
Onona Eligwe
Ogodo ya
Nakpu nala
Oloro ihe loro ihe loro Enyi
Ebube le........

Tribulations cannot stand your Presence
Sickness cannot stand your Presence
Barrenness cannot stand your Presence
Poverty cannot stand your Presence

You're bigger than what people say(x4)

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