Published 3 years ago in Other


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THE_CRY is a heartfelt exposition about the personality of Jonah and his blunt refusal to obey Yaweh's instructions.
Meanwhile, we cry & beg to differ in our lifestyle and attitude when the call to destinations of persecution and hardship, will come from God.
A must piece for every intending revivalist, missionary and ambassador of Christ.


#The_Cry//Israel Nyor//Lyrics

Help me not to run away from your presence.
For if I run today where will I be tomorrow?
In the belly of the fish will I find myself
In the belly of the fish will I find myself

Just help me not to run away from your presence yeah
For if I run today where will I be tomorrow?
In the belly of the fish will I find myself
In the belly of the fish will I find myself

Jonah,may I not be like Jonah
It's a cry from within,please help my heart
Jonah, may I not be like Jonah it's a cry from within please help my heart
Jonah, may I not be like Jonah it's a cry from within please help my heart.
Jonah, may I not be like Jonah it's a cry from within please help my heart

Help and girdle my ways,lighten paths let me hear the call and be aligned with your dealings.
Help and girdle my ways,lighten my paths,let me hear the call and be aligned with your dealings.
Can you help and girdle my ways
Just lighten my paths
Let me hear the call and be aligned with your dealings.

Jonah,may I not be like Jonah it's a cry from within please help my heart.
Jonah,may I not be like Jonah it's a cry from within please help my heart.
Jonah,may I not be like Jonah it's a cry from within please help my heart.
Jonah,may I not be like Jonah it's a cry from within please help my heart.

Uyaya uyeye a eh
Uyaya uyeye a eh
Uyaya uyeye a eh
Uyaya uyeye a eh
Uyaya uyeye a eh
Uyaya uyeye a eh
Uyaya uyeye a eh

Jonah,may I not be like Jonah it's a cry from within please help my heart.
Jonah,may I not be like Jonah it's a cry from within please help my heart.
Jonah,may I not be like Jonah it's a cry from within please help my heart.
Jonah,may I not be like Jonah it's a cry from within please help my heart.

Not like Jonah to Pakistan I will go
Not like Jonah to Afghanistan I will go
Not like Jonah to Ukraine I will go
Not like Jonah to Kaduna I will go

Not like Jonah to Pakistan I will go
Not like Jonah to Afghanistan I will go
Not like Jonah to Ukraine I will go,yes I will go
Not like Jonah to Kaduna I will go.

It's a cry from my heart,work on my heart work on my ways.

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