Published 1 year ago in Other

Abin mamaki

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The song tell more about the wonderfull miracles Jesus did while on Earth which till date no man can explain but full of his amazing wonders lacking words but to believe that Jesus indeed is the Messiah


My eyes can behold the wonders of your work in me.
Demonds tremble before there at the mention of your name, what a mighty God we serve, I just can't explain it all but to stand and say
Abin mamaki neh..
How you died on the cross and you rose again..
Abin mamaki neh..
How you gave sight to the blind the lame to walk
Abin mamaki neh.
How walked opond the sea, gave healing to the sick
Abin mamaki neh..
Men still lack words to describe you
Abin mamaki neh...

/ :

