Published 5 years ago in Other


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'Wekobiruo' which means GRATITUDE is an INDIGENOUS Urhobo song, received in an atmosphere of deep intimate love relationship with the father in worship. It describes the nature of God's Love lavished on man not because of anything good he has done but for His unconditional Love, Mercy and Grace. I can assure that the songs _in this album will usher you into the very presence of His Majesty.


Verse 1
Its amazing how You have turned my life around,
You took me out from the mighty mighty long way,
From the lowest point of life to the mountain top
You are Amazing, your love is amazing
You are bigger than the world put together
Truly You are greater than what people calls you
You are Amazing, so amazing

Wekobiro, Wekobiro
Ovie Me Wekobiro
Do Do Do X2, Wekobiro
You are bigger than what people say…(Repeat)
Repeat all together

You at the Center my life,
Lord I Give you the Praise
You Deserve my Praise X2
For been the father you are to me, Lord I Give you the Praise
You Deserve my Praise X2
With the Heart a Gratitude,
Lord I Give you the Praise
Take all the Glory, You Deserve all

Wekobiro, Wekobiro
Ovie Me Wekobiro
Do Do Do X2, Wekobiro
You are bigger than what people say…(Repeat till Song Fades Out)

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