Published 4 years ago in Other

Michael Rich - Best Of Price ||@vhinkellyconceptz.mp3

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Michael Rich Is An Outstanding Gospel Music Minister Who Always Trills The Mind Of His Fans With His Unique Lyrics. After His Last Release ” Your We “Your Weight” He Comes Up With Another Single Titled “Best Of Price” To Celebrate His Birthday, Produced By Exploit.


The first thing I'm grateful for
You nor dy join the world beef me
If the world like, make them dy against me
Your love always dy for me
Who get you God
Loose nothing

If I dy reason where you pass come this world
For my rescue, as a noble king you are
E get some things you no suppose do
But for my sake, divinity fashioned clay
Is this love for me?

If there was more than given yourself
If there was more than shielding your blood
You would have done more
The best of price you paid on the cross. ×2)

Verse 2
The pit of hell thought you were joking
When you said you were giving yourself
You were taking the steps coming for me...
Them been say no strings attached
You just wan catch cruise with me
For their eyes you laid down your life and gave me victory,
The fragrance of this love too sweet e dy give me goosebumps
Lord I'm grateful for your goodness

Back to chorus

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