Published 5 years ago in Other


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*Imole! The light*

It is a mandate from the Father that all His sons and daughters should be agents of transformation and also stand as light to illuminate every nook and cranny in this dark world.

As believers, we are the light that can never be hidden for we are to show forth the glory of the Father wherever our feet step.

We've been bought from sin and shame with the blood that was shed on the Cross.

This is what our Saviour called us after giving us victory over darkness (Matthew 5:14 KJV:Ye are the light of the world).
The price paid by Christ Jesus is enough to lighten everyone that comes to Him. (John1:9 KJV:That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world).

The song :IMOLE ( The LIGHT )!

It is a song that talks about who we are in Christ.
This song also gives us deep meaning to this passage of the Bible (1john 4:4a KJV:Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them).

This song also reminds us of the promise of the Father (Isaiah 60:3
KJV:And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising).
Be Bless As You Listen


I'm enlighten by your word
I am strengthen by your love
I am lifted in your name
You have made me to be
salt of the earth

Chorus: Imole ni mi o,mo ti bori aye
Imole ni mi o,ma tan f'aye ri
Imole ni mi o,mo ti bori ota
I'm the salt of the earth

Imole ni mi o,mo ti bori aye
Imole ni mi o,ma tan f'aye ri
Imole ni mi o,mo ti bori ota
I'm the light of the world

I'm no longer a slave to fear and sin
Christ has bought me with His unimaginable price
He called me out of miry clay....
So that the world can come to His light in me
_repeat chorus_
By your word I'm enlighten
By your love i am strengthen
In your name I am lifted
You have made me to be salt of the earth

By your word I'm enlighten
By your love i am strengthen
In your name I am lifted
You have made me to be light of the world
_repeat chorus till end_

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