Published 4 years ago in Other

For You.mp3

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This song is to remind us believers that there are things that are only meant for God,men are limited to certain things.


1. There are crowns no man can put on.
These crowns are only meant for you.

2. There are titles no man deserves.
These titles are only meant for you.

3. There's a kingdom no man can rule.
This Kingdom is only ruled by you.

Let our crowns be kept aside
Let our king be lifted high

We cast of all pride, Humble we come oh! Spirit here we are

4. There's power no man can poses.
This power is only meant for you.

5. There are battles no man can fight.
These battles are only fought by you.

6. There's a glory no man can take.
This glory is only meant for You.

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